Line 7 of the Paris metro: List of stations, line map

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ligne de metro 7

Line 7 of the Paris subway connects La Courneuve - 8 Mai 1945 station to Mairie d'Ivry and Villejuif - Louis Aragon via Place d'Italie, Châtelet and Gare de l' Is. This line splits to the south into two branches just after Maison Blanche station, one going towards Mairie d'Ivry and the other going towards Villejuif - Louis Aragon. Line 7 has a total length of approximately 22 km and has 38 metro stations. It is one of the busiest metro lines in the RATP network, with more than 136 million passengers per year

Line 7 of the metro was put into service in 1910

Train frequency

Weekdays and daytime, the average interval between trains is two to four minutes on the common trunk, five to seven minutes in the extreme evening. On Sundays, this interval increases to four or even five minutes and to ten minutes on the nights of Fridays to Saturdays, Saturdays to Sundays and the eves of holidays.

map of line 7 of the Paris metro Paris underground line 7 map

List of stations on line 7 from terminus to terminus with connections to other lines on the network:

Comment y aller en métro ?

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